More Metadata for More Test Session Insights

May 2022 Launchable Product Updates

Key Takeaways

  • This month we release the redesigned Test Sessions page, making for a new and improved user experience.

  • This month we met with TechStrong research team and chatted about their recent report findings on how development teams are increasing the pace of testing.

Testing, testing, 1 .. 2 .. 3  🚀 Our team has been working tirelessly to introduce enhancements, focused on making insights more robust and easier to review.

Like metadata as much as we do? We know how vital it is to have all of the important information easily accessible, so this month we decided to spend some cycles improving the Test Sessions page to make it much easier to access what you really want to see about your test sessions at first glance

Test Sessions Page Redesign

Time for a change! This month we release the redesigned Test Sessions page, making for a new and improved user experience. We wanted to be able to include more metadata (like flavors and subset info), improve the table’s readability, and create a reusable component to make the user experience more consistent across the webapp.

Before, we displayed data as a table. Although scannable, this was not ideal for longer build names or for adding extra metadata.

The newly released UI design uses a consistent test session row component with two columns, making it easier than ever to manage your test sessions and get the most out of your testing experience.

Skim test metadata easily with the new UI organizing the critical test session details including unique test session number, recording date and time, build name, test count, duration of run in minutes, passed/failed/skipped counts, and test flavors. 

At a glance, you can still easily see if a session passed or failed along with lots of other useful metadata. We’ve updated the Test Session detail page to use this new component, as well. Over time, we’ll update other pages to use the same component with more metadata.

Bonus Insights on Top Four Test Improvement Method Trends

This month we met with TechStrong research team and chatted about their recent report findings on how development teams are increasing the pace of testing. Checkout the webinar and hear more about how teams are solving the challenge of gaining more value from testing data to more effectively ship quality code. Watch on-demand now.

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