Leveling-Up Launchable Features for Faster Test Cycles

March 2022 Launchable Product Updates

Key Takeaways

  • You can now easily switch between all of the workspaces in your organization if your organization has multiple workspaces.

  • This month we’ve added workspace organization and further optimized how you view your uploaded test results outside of the CI logs.

  • We’ve released the new design of the Test Runs page

Mission control is marching forward with developers and quality engineers in mind, focusing our latest product updates on enhancing your experience within the platform, making it even easier for you to shorten your test runs with Predictive Test Selection.

In the last few weeks, the Launchable astronauts have been heads down on developing features and updates that will allow you to navigate and use Launchable even easier (without losing any functionality).

This month we’ve added workspace organization and further optimized how you view your uploaded test results outside of the CI logs.

Also, new this month, we’ve released the new design of the Test Runs page. We’ve made improvements to make the page much more scannable including not showing empty and unfinished runs. To make your lives easier, we’ve also included a link to jump into the results of each test run.  

Switch Between Workspaces in the Same Organization

You can now easily switch between all of the workspaces in your organization if your organization has multiple workspaces. Just click the workspace switcher dropdown in the left nav and pick the workspace you want to jump into.

Jump Directly to Test Results in Launchable from Your CI Logs

Last month, we added test results to the Launchable web app, giving you a more organized and accessible place to view and triage test failures for your runs.

Now, in v1.38.6 of the Launchable CLI, the output of launchable record tests will automatically include a link to the details page for that test session so you can jump right in. No more triaging test results in CI logs! 

Here's an example with the link at the bottom to easily view your uploaded test results outside of the CI logs.

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