Data examples

This page provides examples of the various data the Launchable CLI sends to the Launchable service.

You can use the --dry-run global option to preview what data would be passed in a real request. You can also use the --log-level audit global option when you invoke the CLI to view exactly what data was passed in the request. See the CLI reference for more info about both of these options.

Recording builds

e.g. launchable record build --name 549854157 --source .

Request 1: Create a build

POST body sent to the Launchable API:

  "buildNumber": "549854157",
  "commitHashes": [
      "repositoryName": ".",
      "commitHash": "8fc4e65781dc63605d336b1883497f051daff946"

Request 2: Record commits

The CLI scrubs PII from commit details before data transmission. Full names are removed, and email addresses are hashed **** using the **** SHA-256 algorithm.

Email addresses are hashed, not encrypted: encryption implies that Launchable can decrypt the stored value back to the original email address; hashing means Launchable cannot. Therefore the CLI does not collect email addresses.

POST body sent to the Launchable API:

2  "commits": [
3    {
4      "id": 0,
5      "workspaceId": 0,
6      "commitHash": "ff84e8fbcb4ddc88879adc3c49760e2562aba1d8",
7      "authorName": "",
8      "authorEmailAddress": "994a70d1ac542e847f24abfcbe05e68926c281c81cd13c704964800d58d022e3",
9      "authorWhen": 1611341818000,
10      "authorTimezoneOffset": -480,
11      "committerName": "",
12      "committerEmailAddress": "994a70d1ac542e847f24abfcbe05e68926c281c81cd13c704964800d58d022e3",
13      "committerWhen": 1611341818000,
14      "committerTimezoneOffset": -480,
15      "organizationId": 0,
16      "parentHashes": {}
17    },
18    {
19      "id": 0,
20      "workspaceId": 0,
21      "commitHash": "76cf64103a2dfc5c4e62b6c19526dc66e554b34c",
22      "authorName": "",
23      "authorEmailAddress": "994a70d1ac542e847f24abfcbe05e68926c281c81cd13c704964800d58d022e3",
24      "authorWhen": 1611775208000,
25      "authorTimezoneOffset": -480,
26      "committerName": "",
27      "committerEmailAddress": "994a70d1ac542e847f24abfcbe05e68926c281c81cd13c704964800d58d022e3",
28      "committerWhen": 1611775208000,
29      "committerTimezoneOffset": -480,
30      "organizationId": 0,
31      "parentHashes": {
32        "ff84e8fbcb4ddc88879adc3c49760e2562aba1d8": [
33          {
34            "id": 0,
35            "commitRelationId": 0,
36            "linesAdded": 1,
37            "linesDeleted": 1,
38            "status": "MODIFY",
39            "path": "gradle/.gitignore",
40            "pathTo": "gradle/.gitignore",
41            "organizationId": 0
42          },
43          {
44            "id": 0,
45            "commitRelationId": 0,
46            "linesAdded": 2,
47            "linesDeleted": 2,
48            "status": "ADD",
49            "path": "/dev/null",
50            "pathTo": "gradle/",
51            "organizationId": 0
52          }
53        ]
54      }
55    },
56    {
57      "id": 0,
58      "workspaceId": 0,
59      "commitHash": "86a656d2ca948ec5f845e177ae9be7a8ca9a8208",
60      "authorName": "",
61      "authorEmailAddress": "994a70d1ac542e847f24abfcbe05e68926c281c81cd13c704964800d58d022e3",
62      "authorWhen": 1611775770000,
63      "authorTimezoneOffset": -480,
64      "committerName": "",
65      "committerEmailAddress": "994a70d1ac542e847f24abfcbe05e68926c281c81cd13c704964800d58d022e3",
66      "committerWhen": 1611775927000,
67      "committerTimezoneOffset": -480,
68      "organizationId": 0,
69      "parentHashes": {
70        "76cf64103a2dfc5c4e62b6c19526dc66e554b34c": [
71          {
72            "id": 0,
73            "commitRelationId": 0,
74            "linesAdded": 19,
75            "linesDeleted": 19,
76            "status": "MODIFY",
77            "path": "gradle/",
78            "pathTo": "gradle/",
79            "organizationId": 0
80          }
81        ]
82      }
83    },
84    ...
85  ]

Subsetting tests

e.g. launchable subset --target 25% --build 549854157 gradle src/test/java

POST body sent to the Launchable API:

2  "testPaths": [
3    [
4      {
5        "type": "class",
6        "name": "example.MulTest"
7      }
8    ],
9    [
10      {
11        "type": "class",
12        "name": "example.AddTest"
13      }
14    ],
15    [
16      {
17        "type": "class",
18        "name": "example.SubTest"
19      }
20    ],
21    [
22      {
23        "type": "class",
24        "name": "example.DivTest"
25      }
26    ]
27  ],
28  "target": 0.25,
29  "session": {
30    "id": "6370"
31  }

Recording test results

e.g. launchable record test --debug --build 549854157 gradle build/test-results/test/*.xml

POST body sent to the Launchable API:

2  "events": [
3    {
4      "type": "case",
5      "testPath": [
6        {
7          "type": "class",
8          "name": "example.AddTest"
9        },
10        {
11          "type": "testcase",
12          "name": "calc"
13        }
14      ],
15      "duration": 0.004,
16      "status": 1,
17      "stdout": "",
18      "stderr": "",
19      "created_at": "2021-02-19T21:33:02",
20      "data": null
21    },
22    {
23      "type": "case",
24      "testPath": [
25        {
26          "type": "class",
27          "name": "example.DivTest"
28        },
29        {
30          "type": "testcase",
31          "name": "calc"
32        }
33      ],
34      "duration": 0,
35      "status": 1,
36      "stdout": "",
37      "stderr": "",
38      "created_at": "2021-02-19T21:33:02",
39      "data": null
40    },
41    {
42      "type": "case",
43      "testPath": [
44        {
45          "type": "class",
46          "name": "example.MulTest"
47        },
48        {
49          "type": "testcase",
50          "name": "calc"
51        }
52      ],
53      "duration": 0,
54      "status": 1,
55      "stdout": "",
56      "stderr": "",
57      "created_at": "2021-02-19T21:33:02",
58      "data": null
59    },
60    {
61      "type": "case",
62      "testPath": [
63        {
64          "type": "class",
65          "name": "example.SubTest"
66        },
67        {
68          "type": "testcase",
69          "name": "calc"
70        }
71      ],
72      "duration": 0.001,
73      "status": 1,
74      "stdout": "",
75      "stderr": "",
76      "created_at": "2021-02-19T21:33:02",
77      "data": null
78    }
79  ]