CLI reference

Getting started


  • Python 3.6 or newer

  • Java 8 or newer


The Launchable CLI is a Python3 package that can be installed via pip:

pip3 install --user --upgrade launchable

This creates a ~/.local/bin/launchable executable that should be in your PATH. (See PEP-370 for further details.)


Set your API key:

export LAUNCHABLE_TOKEN=your_API_key


Then run launchable verify in your CI environment to see if you've successfully configured the CLI. If it succeeds, you'll see a message like the one below. If you see an error message, see Troubleshooting.

$ launchable verify

Organization: <organization>
Workspace: <workspace>
Proxy: None
Platform: 'macOS-12.0.1-x86_64-i386-64bit'
Python version: '3.9.9'
Java command: 'java'
launchable version: '1.34.0'
Your CLI configuration is successfully verified 🎉


inspect subset

Display the details of a subset request. See Subsetting your test runs for more info.

launchable inspect subset --subset-id 26876
Option Description Required
--json Output the data in JSON, so that it can be further processed by other programs No
--subset-id ID The ID of the subset request. Can be obtained from the output of launchable subset. Yes

You can use launchable inspect subset to inspect the details of a specific subset, including rank and expected duration. This is useful for verifying that you passed the correct tests or test directory path(s) into launchable subset.

The output from launchable subset includes a tip to run launchable inspect subset:

$ launchable subset --build 123 --confidence 90% minitest test/*.rb > subset.txt

< summary table >

Run `launchable inspect subset --subset-id 26876` to view full subset details

Running that command will output a table containing a row for each test, including:

  • Rank/order

  • Test identifier

  • Whether the test was included in the subset

  • Launchable's estimated duration for the test

    • Tests with a duration of .001 seconds were not recognized by Launchable

Note that the hierarchy level of the items in the list depends on the test runner in use.

For example, since Maven can accept a list of test classes as input, launchable inspect subset will output a prioritized list of test classes. Similarly, since Cypress can accept a list of test files as input, launchable inspect subset will output a list of prioritized test files. (And so on.)

inspect tests

Display the details of a record tests command. See Sending data to Launchable for more info.

launchable inspect tests --test-session-id 209575
Option Description Required
--json Output the data in JSON, so that it can be further processed by other programs No
--test-session-id ID The ID of the test session. Can be obtained from the output of launchable record tests. Yes

record attachment

Attach log files to test session. See Attaching log files for more details.

launchable record attachment <FILE> <FILE> ...

Option Description Required
--session SESSION_ID The ID of the test session (see record session) No

record commit

Sends commit details to Launchable. Records multiple commits from repo(s).

launchable record commit --source ./src
Option Description Required
--import-git-log-output FILE Path to a file that contains git-log output. See below. No.
--max-days DAYS The maximum number of days to collect commits retroactively. No. Defaults to 30
--source DIR Path to a local Git repository. No. Defaults to $PWD

Commit collection happens automatically as a part of record build, so normally this command need not be invoked separately. It's only used for Multiple repositories built/deployed separately and then tested together (e.g., microservices).

`--import-git-log-output` option

Related to Running under restricted networks.

If the --import-git-log-output option is used, it reads the specified file for the commit data instead of reading the commits from the repository specified by --source. The input file should contain the output of this Git command:

git log --pretty='format:{"commit": "%H", "parents": "%P", "authorEmail": "%ae", "authorTime": "%aI", "committerEmail": "%ce", "committerTime": "%cI"}' --numstat

record build

Creates a record of a Build in Launchable.

launchable record build [OPTIONS]
Option Description Required
--commit REPO_NAME=COMMIT_HASH For use with --no-commit-collection and launchable record commit. No. When --commit is used, --source is unnecessary
--max-days DAYS The maximum number of days to collect commits retroactively. No. Defaults to 30
--name BUILD_NAME A unique identifier that you assign to your build. See Naming Builds for more discussion on how to choose a build name. Yes
--no-commit-collection Disables commit collection when recording a build. You must run launchable record commit elsewhere in your pipeline if you use this option. No
--no-submodules Stop collecting build information from Git Submodules. No. Defaults to False
--source REPO_NAME=DIR (recommended) or --source DIR Path to a local Git repository/workspace. Use this option multiple times when code from multiple Git repositories contributes to the build. Note that Git submodules are discovered and recorded automatically, so there's no need to enumerate them separately.

To distinguish different Git repositories, every repository is labeled internally in Launchable. By default, the literal path given to this option is used as a label (for example, label would be dir/source for --source dir/source). We recommend naming labels explicitly (e.g., to keep them stable even when directory names move around) by prepending a label name followed by =, such as --source vendor=$VENDOR_PATH.

No. Defaults to $PWD
--link TITLE=URL such as --link "View build in CI"=

Adds a link value to the build record.

Links are displayed in the Launchable web app on the Build details page and on the Test Session details page for test sessions associated with the build.

Links make navigating back to your CI system from the Launchable web app easier.

Note: Your CI system might already reveal build URLs via an environment variable (or environment variables that can be composed into a URL), so check your tools docs first if you use this feature.


The act of recording a build teaches Launchable that the specified set of commits has turned into a build and that the given name henceforth identifies this build. This forms the basis of how Launchable calculates the changes.

Conceptually, a build is a collection of Git repositories, each at a specific commit. REPO_NAME identifies each repository contributing to a build, and it needs to be stable across different builds of the same project. Good examples include:

  • Relative directory paths to the repository from the "workspace root," such as src/moduleX if they are stable.

  • GitHubOrg/GitHubRepo slug if your repositories are on GitHub since they are also stable.

record session

Creates a record of a test session in Launchable.

launchable record session [OPTIONS]
Option Description Required
--build BUILD_NAME Name of the build being tested. (See record build --name) Yes
--link TITLE=URL such as --link "View build in CI"=

Adds a link value to the test session record. Links are displayed in the Launchable web app on the Test Session details page for the test session.

Links make it easier to navigate back to your CI or code review tool from the Launchable web app.

Note: Your CI system might already reveal URLs via an environment variable (or environment variables that can be composed into a URL), so check your tools docs first if you use this feature.

--flavor KEY=VALUE Advanced option. Submit additional non-code-related metadata that influenced the test results, such as the environment. To be used in combination with launchable subset --flavor. Supports multiples, e.g. --flavor key1=value1 --flavor key2=value2. No
--session-name SESSION_NAME

Sets a name for the session. Names are useful for disambiguating sessions. Only shown in the Launchable web app. If a name value is not passed, the test session ID is shown instead.


Removes the requirement to specify a build (with --build) to record this session against. Launchable will create a placeholder build for each test session if you use this option.

Either --build or --no-build must be specified
--lineage LINEAGE_NAME

Sets a lineage name for seeing and comparing the different test sessions.
e.g. branch name or tag name, etc

--test-suite TEST_SUITE_NAME

Sets a test suite name for seeing and comparing the different test sessions.
e.g. e2e-test, integration-test, etc


This command tells Launchable that you are about to begin testing a build that was been recorded earlier with the record build command. This is only needed in more complex scenarios.

The command outputs a string you can save for use in other commands (like launchable subset and launchable record tests) instead of --build. We suggest saving the value either to an environment variable or to a text file:

# environment variable

launchable record build --name BUILD_NAME [OPTIONS]
export LAUNCHABLE_SESSION=$(launchable record session --build BUILD_NAME)
<run tests>
launchable record tests --session $LAUNCHABLE_SESSION [OPTIONS]
# text file

launchable record build --name BUILD_NAME [OPTIONS]
launchable record session --build BUILD_NAME > launchable-session.txt
<run tests>
launchable record tests --session $(cat launchable-session.txt) [OPTIONS]

(Otherwise, the command will write a session ID to ~/.config/launchable/sessions/{hash}.txt. This location may change in the future, so don't rely on it.)

record tests

Send test results for the test session to Launchable.

launchable record tests [OPTIONS] TESTRUNNER
Option Description Required
--build BUILD_NAME The name of the build being tested. (See record build --name) Either --build , --session, or --no-build must be specified
--session SESSIONID The ID of the test session (see record session) Either --build , --session, or --no-build must be specified
--flavor KEY=VALUE Advanced option. Submit additional non-code-related metadata that influenced the test results, such as the environment. To be used in combination with launchable subset --flavor. Supports multiples, e.g. --flavor key1=value1 --flavor key2=value2.

Note: This option is a no-op if the session already exists (i.e. you're using launchable record tests --session). Instead, use this option on launchable record session.

--base DIR See the explanation of launchable subset --base option above. No
--group=GROUPNAME Assigns all tests passed into this invocation to this group. No
--allow-test-before-build Allow recording any test reports, even if they were created before the build was recorded. No
--link TITLE=URL such as --link "View session in CI"= Adds a link value to the test session record.

Links are displayed in the Launchable web app on the Test Session details page for the test session.

Links make it easier to navigate back to your CI or code review tool from the Launchable web app.

Note: Your CI system might already reveal URLs via an environment variable (or environment variables that can be composed into a URL), so check your tools docs first if you use this feature.

Note: This option is a no-op if the session already exists (i.e., you're using launchable record tests --session). Instead, use this option on launchable record session.
--session-name SESSION_NAME

Sets a name for the session. Names are useful for disambiguating sessions. Only shown in the Launchable web app. If a name value is not passed, the test session ID is shown instead.

Note: This option is a no-op if the session already exists (i.e., you're using launchable record tests --session). Instead, use this option on launchable record session.

--no-build Removes the requirement to specify a build (with --build) to record this session against. Launchable will create a placeholder build for each test session if you use this option. Either --build , --session, or --no-build must be specified
--lineage LINEAGE_NAME Sets a lineage name for seeing and comparing the different test sessions.

e.g. branch name or tag name, etc

--test-suite TEST_SUITE_NAME Sets a test suite name for seeing and comparing the different test sessions.
e.g. e2e-test, integration-test, etc 

This command reads JUnit (or similar) XML report files produced by test runners and sends them to Launchable.

Exactly how this command generates the subset and what's required to do this depends on test runners. For available supported TESTRUNNER, see Integrations


Splits an existing subset from Launchable into chunks. This relates to Replacing static parallel suites with a dynamic parallel subset and Using groups to split subsets.

launchable split-subset [OPTIONS] TESTRUNNER ...

Intended for use with launchable subset with the --split option.

Options for Replacing static parallel suites with a dynamic parallel subset

Option Description Required
--bin BIN_NUMBER/BIN_COUNT The portion of the subset to retrieve, e.g --bin 1/3 Yes
--rest FILE Output the remainder of the subset to a file. This is useful for running the "rest of the tests" after you've run a subset. No
--same-bin FILE [Beta; Gradle only] Place tests listed in the FILE to belong to the same bin to avoid the tests running simultaneously. No
--subset-id SUBSET-ID-STRING The ID of the subset output from launchable subset --split ... (see --split under subset) Yes
--output-exclusion-rules Output a list of tests to exclude instead of a list to include. See Zero Input Subsetting. No

Options for Using groups to split subsets

Option Description Required
--split-by-group Splits an existing subset output into multiple files. See below. No
--split-by-group-with-rest Similar to --split-by-group, except remainder/rest files are also included. See below. No
--subset-id SUBSETID The ID of the subset output from launchable subset --split ... (see --split under subset) Yes
--output-exclusion-rules For use with Zero Input Subsetting. See examples below. No

--split-by-group outputs

When you run launchable split-subset with the --split-by-group option, the CLI creates several files. If you use --output-exclusion-rules to enable Zero Input Subsetting, the behavior changes, as shown in the table below.

subset-groups.txtThis file contains a list of the groups you must set up.This file contains a list of the groups you can skip entirely.
subset-[groupname].txt (one file for each group)Each file contains the normal subset output but only for that group's tests. You can pass these files into the test process for each group.Each file contains the normal subset output but only for that group's tests. You can pass these files into the test process for each group. These files will contain exclusion rules. You're supposed to exclude these tests.
subset-nogroup.txtThis file contains tests that had no group assignment, if there are any.This file contains tests that had no group assignment, if there are any.

--split-by-group-with-rest outputs

When you run launchable split-subset with the --split-by-group-with-rest option, the CLI creates several files in addition to the ones described in the above table:

rest-groups.txtThis file contains a list of the groups you don't need to set up.This file contains a list of the groups you can't skip.
rest-[groupname].txt (one file for each group)Each file contains the normal --rest output, but only for that group's tests.Each file contains the normal --rest output, but only for that group's tests. These files will contain exclusion rules. You're supposed to exclude these tests.
rest-nogroup.txtThis file contains --rest tests that had no group assignment if there are any.This file contains --rest tests that had no group assignment if there are any.

stats test-sessions

Retrieves statistics about test sessions

launchable stat test-sessions

Output example:

Option Description Required
--days N Specifies the length of the time period to compute stats from. Longer time span produces more accurate and stable stats, but they react slowly to recent trend change. Note that the human working schedule tends to produce a weekly cycle, so multiples of 7 tend to produce a better result No
--flavor KEY=VALUE Limit the aggregation to test sessions with the specified flavor. If multiple --flavor options are specified, a test session mustthat have all the specified flavors to be factored in. No

Output is in JSON format:

Field Description
averageDurationSeconds Average duration of this test session in seconds. A duration of a test session is a sum of all the durations of test cases that run in it.
count Number of test sessions that occurred during this period.
days The length of the time period from which the stats were calculated from, measured in days.


Produces a subset of tests to pass to your test runner.

launchable subset [OPTIONS] TESTRUNNER ...

Output is in JSON format:

Option Description Required
--build BUILD_NAME Name of the build being tested. (See record build --name) Either --build , --session, or --no-build must be specified
--base DIR Advanced option. Many test runners use file names to identify tests, and for those test runners, so does Launchable. By default, Launchable records test file paths as provided; in other words, we expect those to be relative paths so that identities of tests remain stable no matter where in the file system a Git workspace gets checked out. But in the rare circumstances where this behavior is inadequate, the --base option lets you specify a separate directory to relativize the path of tests before sending. No
--confidence PERCENTAGE Create a confidence-based subset of the given percentage. (0%-100%) No
--flavor KEY=VALUE Advanced option. Restrict the subset of tests by flavor. Flavors must be submitted ahead of time with test reports (see launchable record tests --flavor below). Supports multiples, e.g. --flavor key1=value1 --flavor key2=value2. No
--get-tests-from-previous-sessions Let the server generate the full list of tests from which to create a subset of tests. Intended for use with --output-exclusion-rules, otherwise new tests might be skipped accidentally. See Zero Input Subsetting. No
--ignore-flaky-tests-above N

Ignore tests with flaky scores higher than N. You can see the flaky scores on the unhealthy tests page.

This option cannot be used with --prioritize-tests-failed-within-hours N.


Ignore tests that were not recognized by the subset service and are therefore assumed to be new tests. This option is useful if you want to prevent new tests (with unknown execution time) from increasing subset execution time, but it also means that it might take longer for new tests to be recognized (since they were not run in the subset). To maintain consistency between inputs and outputs from launchable subset, these tests will be added to the end of the --rest file output (if that option is used).

This option cannot be used with --prioritize-tests-failed-within-hours N.

--link TITLE=URL such as --link "View session in CI"=

Adds a link to the test session record.

Links are displayed in the Launchable web app on the Test Session details page for the test session.

Links make it easier to navigate back to your CI or code review tool from the Launchable web app.

Note: Your CI system might already reveal URLs via an environment variable (or environment variables that can be composed into a URL), so check your tool's docs first if you use this feature.

Note: This option is a no-op if the session already exists (i.e., you're using launchable subset --session). Instead, use this option on launchable record session.

--no-build Removes the requirement to specify a build (with --build) to record this session against. Launchable will create a placeholder build for each test session if you use this option. Either --build , --session, or --no-build must be specified
Compute a subset, but return all the tests in the obtained subset, so that all the tests continue to run. The computed subset is recorded on the server, and collated with the test result submitted later to assess the effectiveness of the subset.
See Observing subset behavior for more details.
--output-exclusion-rules Output a list of tests to exclude instead of a list of tests to include. See Zero Input Subsetting. No
--prioritize-tests-failed-within-hours N Prioritize tests that failed within N hours to the subset. N hours can take between 0 and 720 hours (= 24 hours * 30 days).

This option cannot be used with --ignore-flaky-tests-above N and --ignore-new-tests.

--prioritized-tests-mapping FILE

Prioritize tests based on rules. See here for more details.

--rest FILE Output the remainder of the subset to a file. This is useful for running the "rest of the tests" after you've run a subset. No
--session SESSION-ID-STRING String output of launchable record session Either --build , --session, or --no-build must be specified
--session-name SESSION_NAME Sets a name for the session. Names are useful for disambiguating sessions. Only shown in the Launchable web app. If a name value is not passed, the test session ID is shown instead.
Note: This option is a no-op if the session already exists (i.e., you're using launchable record tests --session). Instead, use this option on launchable record session.
--split Output a subset ID instead of the subset list itself. For use with launchable split-subset No
--target PERCENTAGE Create a variable time-based subset of the given percentage. (0%-100%) No
--time TIME Create a fixed time-based subset. Select the best set of tests that run within the given time bound. (e.g. 10m for 10 minutes, 2h30m for 2.5 hours, 1w3d for 7+3=10 days. ) No
--lineage LINEAGE_NAME Sets a lineage name for seeing and comparing the different test sessions.

e.g. branch name or tag name, etc

--test-suite TEST_SUITE_NAME Sets a test suite name for seeing and comparing the different test sessions.
e.g. e2e-test, integration-test, etc 

Exactly how this command generates the subset and what's required to do this depends on test runners. For available supported TESTRUNNERs, see Integrations.

When none of --target--time, and --confidence is specified, Launchable chooses the subset target. This is convenient on the initial setup when you are unsure what the subset size should be. Later, you can choose the right target after you see the statistics of your test suite and potential time-savings based on the Launchable accumulated data.


Verify that the CLI can communicate with the Launchable service and that you're authenticated properly.

launchable verify

To avoid disrupting your CI/test process, the Launchable CLI is designed to tolerate and recover from service disruptions and other recoverable error conditions by falling back to no-op. This is an intentional design, but the downside is that such transparent failures can make troubleshooting difficult.

Therefore, we recommend you keep launchable verify || true in a recognizable spot in your CI process. This way, when you suspect a problem in Launchable, you can check the output of this command as a starting point.

Global options

These global options are given right after launchable, for example launchable --log-level audit verify


The dry-run mode does not actually send a payload to the server, and it is helpful to check the behavior. You can also see which APIs will be requested and their payload contents in the output.

The payload contents will be output as an audit log, so if the log level is higher than the audit level, it will be forced to be set to the audit level.

Strictly speaking, it does not mean no requests will be sent, but GET requests with no payload data or side effects may be sent. This is because sometimes the response data from the GET request is needed to assemble subsequent requests.


You can use the --log-level option to output extra information from each command.

--log-level audit is particularly useful if you want to see exactly what data gets passed to Launchable when you run CLI commands. For example:

% launchable --log-level audit record build --name 1234 --source src=.
Processed 1 commits
AUDIT:launchable:send request method:post path:/intake/organizations/launchableinc/workspaces/awilkes/builds headers:{'Content-Type': 'application/json'} args:{'data': b'{"buildNumber": "1234", "commitHashes": [{"repositoryName": "src", "commitHash": "45b2e6d9df8e0013334354f30df1978c8b4196f8"}]}', 'timeout': (5, 60)}


You can use the --plugins option to tell the CLI where to look for custom profiles/plugins.

For example, if you have developed (or been provided) a custom profile file named, place that file in the directory of your choosing (e.g., ~/launchable-plugins) and use it like this:

launchable --plugins ~/launchable-plugins record tests --build $BUILD myProfile /path/to/reports

Since --plugins is a global option, make sure to place it right after launchable but before subset or record in your command.


This option instructs the CLI to bypass the SSL certificate verification. This is inteded to be an escape hatch in case the system's Python setup is broken/incomplete.

Alternatively, you can set the LAUNCHABLE_SKIP_CERT_VERIFICATION environment variable to any value to have the same effect. This is more convenient if you want this behaviour across the board, instead of just one invocation.

This flag will make your communication with Launchable less secure (for example, you can be vulnerable to a DNS spoofing attack). Use it with a caution.